Proxy Setting In Chrome For Mac

Google Chrome on Mac used the Mac system settings to configure the proxy server. This is how you open it. Click on the Chrome menu and then select Preferences. Scroll down the Settings page till. How to set up a proxy server in Safari. Like Chrome, Safari’s default setting is to follow the proxy configurations within your OS. Here’s how to change your proxy settings from within Safari: Click on Safari in the browser toolbar. Choose Preferences. Click on the Advanced tab. Under “Proxies,” click Change settings.

We’re just going to come out and say it: proxies are awesome! Proxies for streaming. Proxies for gaming. Proxies for doing work and ones for, you know, not working. Even proxies dedicated for snagging new limited-edition footwear. We think so highly of them that we even devoted an entire blog exploring the reasons to use proxies, from providing more robust security features to enabling access to restricted content and additional social media accounts. Possibly the greatest reason for using proxies, however, is their incredible ability to make you “disappear” online. One of the easiest ways to perform this disappearing act for yourself is through the use of a Chrome proxy.

What is a Chrome proxy you ask? Why, my dear friend, I’m happy to tell you.

Table of Contents

In this blog, we’ll cover what a proxy for Chrome is, how to set one up and use it on your browser, and why buying high-quality private proxies is so important. Go ahead and use our table of contents to get around as you need. Now, if you’re ready to find out how to enjoy some anonymous browsing and everything else Chrome proxies have to offer, let’s get started.

What Is a Chrome Proxy?

When you search the internet, you expect a lot from your browser. That’s why you use Google Chrome in the first place, right? While Chrome is certainly great, it can be even better. All you need is a proxy.

Installing a Google Chrome proxy gives you not only more freedom, but also added security while browsing online. Like all web proxies, a Chrome proxy acts as a secondary computer between you and the websites you want to access. This keeps you safe from online hackers and scammers who’d gladly steal your personal info. Best of all, the added layer of security, much in the same way a moat protects a castle from intruders, means you can work online with greater privacy and browse with complete anonymity. Anonymous browsing, in turn, allows you a more carefree online environment, enabling activities such as web scraping and competitor research without fear of detection. Plus, because they function as a part of your browser, you can access them from anywhere through your desktop or mobile devices.

Combine this all with a Chrome proxy’s ability to bypass network or geographic restrictions on content that you may encounter, and you have a safer and freer online experience. But to get the most out of these features, we of course first need to dive into how to add proxies to Chrome.

What to Know When Adding Proxies to Chrome

So, you’re on board with adding a browser proxy to Chrome—now, you just need to figure out which one is right for you. As you’ll discover when choosing your proxies, you have a lot of different options to choose from depending on the type of proxy and what you want it to do.

For example, a transparent proxy is great if you want to create network restrictions for certain users. Companies are able to use transparent proxies to keep employees on task, and screen-conscious parents can limit their children’s online activity. This type, however, is most used for businesses like coffee shops and restaurants that want to authenticate who can access their public Wi-Fi connections.

Proxy Setting In Chrome For Mac

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a proxy to handle more specialized tasks while remaining anonymous, choosing between an HTTP or a SOCKS (secure sockets) proxy is a good place to start. HTTP proxies channel all your web traffic through a specific location, meaning they’re great for bypassing location-based restricted content. Also, because of their unique ability to decipher web traffic, they’re a great option for scraping your or your competitors’ sites for data. An HTTP proxy won’t enable you to binge watch your favorite streaming TV show, though, which is where SOCKS proxies excel. However, SOCKS do have limitations on the type of coding they can process, making them less all around suited to your web traffic needs.

These are but three common types of proxies you can add to Chrome. We’ve covered several other different types before, so be sure to check out our “What Are Proxies?” blog for additional types and insights. In the end, knowing as much as possible about what you want your proxies to do before you buy them will ensure you aren’t stuck with a proxy that doesn’t meet your expectations or needs.

How to Set up Proxies for Chrome

Once you’ve chosen your proxy, it’s time to add it to Chrome. The best part about the Google Chrome proxy setup is that it’s super easy. After you’ve purchased and downloaded your proxies, you’ll receive an email containing all your log-in credentials and proxy details—such as IP address and port number—needed to ensure your Chrome proxy extension operates without issue.

Chrome proxy settings Windows

To start, open Chrome and click on the “Customize and control Google Chrome” button from the browser’s toolbar. Select “Settings” and then scroll until you see the “Show advanced settings…” link. Click on it and then find the Network settings section where you’ll select “Change proxy settings.” On the following Internet Settings window, click “LAN settings” located under the “Connections” tab. This will bring you to a window with several boxes which you can check or uncheck.

Uncheck the box that says, “Automatically detect settings…”and then, under the Proxy Settings section, check the box to enable “Use a proxy server for your LAN.” At this point you’ll enter your proxy’s IP address and port number that you received through email. Click “Okay” on the next two windows to save your changes and you’re all set to browse the internet anonymously!

Chrome proxy settings Mac

Open Chrome and select “Preferences” from the browser menu. Scroll to and click on “Show advanced settings.” Under Network settings, select “Change proxy settings.” Beneath the “Proxies” tab, select the box corresponding to the specific proxy connection you are trying to configure and then enter in the proxy IP address and port number. Enter your proxy authentication info when prompted. Click “Okay” and “Apply” to finish configuration and begin anonymous browsing.

Depending on your authentication settings, you may have to enter your proxy sign-in credentials (found in your Welcome email) the first time you access a web page. Regardless, instead of using your browser’s default settings which aren’t fine-tuned to your online specifications, you’ll now utilize your Chrome proxy’s settings that are better suited for your web surfing needs.

Quick Tips on How to Use Proxies in Chrome

Now that you’ve installed your Chrome proxy, you might be asking exactly how you are supposed to use it. Our pro tip: continue using your browser as you did before! After all, the thing about proxies is that they’re designed so that you don’t even know they’re there, nor anyone else for that matter.

You can continue to search as you always have–only now, you’ll have stronger security, greater privacy, and more freedom to access the content you want. Maybe you need to perform some competitor research. No problem. Your proxy will keep your identity a secret, so that your competitors are none the wiser. Going on a trip but need access to content back home? You can use your Chrome proxy to access content from within a different country, too. Perhaps you’re hoping to land some sweet new kicks or simply want more control of your online presence. Your options really are wide open.

There is one more tip we want to mention, however, and that’s know what you’re buying.

While most reliable providers will be upfront about the type of proxies they support and the technical specs they offer, it’s a good idea to read into the terms and conditions of the proxies you’re wanting. That way you aren’t caught by surprise when the proxy you buy isn’t able to perform in the way you intended it to do. Deciding to use your Chrome proxies blind is a great way to wind up in trouble. Whether you’re wanting to bypass content restrictions or optimize your personal browsing habits, having a game plan in place for how and where your new proxies can be used will lead to the best online experience possible for you.

Getting the Most Out of Google Chrome Proxies

When it comes to spending your money, you want a nice return on your investment no matter what product or service you’re purchasing. Your Chrome proxies should be no different. That’s why it’s so important to use high-quality proxies, even if it means turning your attention to your wallet. Though we could talk at length about the numerous reasons you should use a proxy, there are a few important ones to note.

For starters, a quality Chrome proxy will always provide you greater security. The internet can be a dangerous place, so ensuring you have the best protection against hackers should be top of your mind. Unlike public proxies which anyone can access and therefore use—even unto criminal activity—the most reliable proxies ensure you’re the only one with access. That ensures you have full control over your proxy resources and next to no vulnerability. Choosing a high-quality option also means your proxy is far less likely to experience performance issues and that you have dependable 24/7 customer support even if you do.

With a high-quality proxy you also have the ability to further customize your browser through specialized Google Chrome proxy add-ons. These Chrome proxy extensions further enhance your browsing experience by simplifying certain functions or processes. For example, are you wondering how to change Chrome proxy settings? Chrome proxy add-ons like proxy switchers and managers that let you change proxy settings make changing your proxy configurations as simple as one click. No more slogging through your browser’s Advanced settings.

Choosing to buy high-quality private proxies instead of using free public ones may cost you a little money, but doing so will protect you from risks such as identity theft, shoddy performance, and leaky security. Making this decision is the difference between having a terrible online experience versus an incredible one. Keeping these ideas in mind as you shop for proxies will ultimately guarantee you’re getting the most out of your Chrome proxies.

FAQs About Chrome Proxy Settings

Wondering how to view Chrome proxy settings? Unsure of where to find Chrome proxy settings in the first place? No worries. We got you. Since you’re likely to change your Chrome Proxy settings from time to time, here are a few quick answers to questions on the subject:

Can Chrome use proxies?

Yes, Chrome can use proxies, and in fact, you should! Using proxies in Chrome affords you numerous performance benefits, including anonymous browsing, improved security, greater privacy, stronger network balance, and access to location-restricted content.

Where do you find Chrome proxy settings?

Proxy Setting In Chrome For Mac Catalina

You can find your Chrome proxy settings beneath Chrome’s “Advanced network settings,” under the “LAN settings” window and “Connections” tab. In Chrome Mac, these will be under “Preferences.” From there, you’ll access them through the “Proxies” tab within the “Network settings” window.

Mac Terminal Proxy Settings

How do you view Chrome proxy settings?

One way how to check a Chrome proxy would be to navigate through Chrome’s “Advanced network settings.” Another would be to install a proxy switcher or manager extension to your browser for quick, one-click settings access right from your desktop. You can even set up these proxy extensions to automatically switch/change settings depending on specific websites you view.


If you’re tired of leaving yourself vulnerable to hackers and having all your online activity open for anyone to see, then it’s time to get yourself some more security and privacy. Proxies are a great way to do that and have a lot of beneficial applications for today’s online world. Whether you’re new to the proxy game or a frequent user looking for new ways to incorporate them into your life, we hope this article has gotten you as excited about Chrome proxies as we are. Regardless of what you do, a Chrome proxy can help you do it better than ever before. And best of all, with a powerful proxy for Chrome on your side, you can rest assured you are completely anonymous, safe, and secure no matter your online activity.

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