Far Commander For Mac

  1. Mac Total Commander
  2. Far Commander For Mac Os

In 1941, with expansionist Japan posing an increasing threat, Douglas MacArthur was recalled to active duty and named commander of U.S. Army forces in the Far East. On December 8, 1941, his air. Subpart 1.4 - Deviations from the FAR: Subpart 1.5 - Agency and Public Participation: Subpart 1.6 - Career Development, Contracting Authority, and Responsibilities: Subpart 1.7 - Determinations and Findings: Part 2 - Definitions of Words and Terms: Subpart 2.1 - Definitions: Subpart 2.2 - Definitions Clause. Max Pirkis, Actor: Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. Born in 1989, Max Pirkis performed in several school plays before winning his first role in a motion picture, as the ultra kind and friendly Midshipman Lord Blakeney in the blockbuster Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) starring Russell Crowe, reading for the part alongside Max Benitz (Benitz auditioning. DCommander for Mac OS X is another great alternative for Mac Users. It includes everything you would expect from an advanced dual-pane file manager, including FTP, SCP, archive browser, synchronization and more, all with minimal memory usage and multi-language support. Nimble Commander for Mac OS X is a 2 panel file manager especially for power.

About|Capabilities|Screen Shots|Issues|Future|Requirements|SourceForge|Download|Developer Documentation|Command-line Guide|Historical|Contact

Welcome to the AppleCommander web site! Click on a link to jump to theappropriate section, or continue on and read it all!

*** WE HAVE MOVED! ***Visit us at GitHub: web site, project site.


AppleCommander is a little project whose main purpose is to provide atool to move data between Apple ][ disk images and a native filesystem('C:' for Windows, or '/wherever' for Linux and Mac OS X). As with allgood projects, this one is a little out of hand, and it is becoming ageneral utility to manipulate Apple ][ emulator images. If you'rethinking this could be useful, read on!

Some secondary (or tertiary, depending on what you are counting)considerations are to give me a bit of experience using Eclipse.org's SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) -which is an alternative windowing system to Sun's AWT or Swing.

If you wish to participate or have ideas, please let us know!

Please click here to visit the AppleCommander project page.
Please click here to download the latest stable release.
Please click here to download the current release candidate.


As stated above, AppleCommander is intended to become a general utilityfor disk images. But, where is it now? What are the current capabilities?

AppleCommander is currently able to read and display information aboutdisk images, export files of various types, create disk images, importfiles into disk images, and has a rudimentary compiler. As of1.3.5, AppleCommander incorporates support for cc65 and an improved command-line and even an ant interface.

Far Commander For MacDisk image organizations currently supported:
  • Compressed images (*.gz);
  • 140K DOS-ordered images (*.do, *.dsk);
  • 140K ProDOS-ordered images (*.po);
  • 140K Nibble (DOS ordered) images (*.nib);
  • 800K ProDOS-ordered images (*.2mg, *.2img);
  • 32MB ApplePC Hard Disk images (*.hdv).
Disk formats currently supported (ie, operating systems):
  • DOS 3.3 (140K formats only);
  • UniDOS, OzDOS (800K formats only);
  • ProDOS;
  • Apple Pascal (140K and 800K formats);
  • SSI's RDOS (140K formats only);
  • CP/M (probably only 140K formats).
File export filters:
  • Raw disk data (dumps blocks or sectors without regard to file length or operating system storage);
  • Binary file (dumps file without any conversion);
  • Hex dump;
  • ASCII file filter;
  • Formatted assembly output;
  • Pascal '.text' files;
  • Applesoft BASIC file filter (file is de-tokenized and written out as a text file);
  • Integer BASIC file filter (ditto);
  • Graphic image file filter (supports black and white or color Hires images as well as black and white or color Double Hires images as well as standard Super Hires, and 3200 color Super Hires);
  • AppleWorks word processor (AWP) file filter (converts to text, poor HTML, or Rich-Text Format (RTF));
  • AppleWorks database (ADB) file filter (converts to CSV);
  • AppleWorks spread sheet (ASP) file filter (converts to CSV).
Compile capabilities (BETA):
  • Applesoft BASIC
Viewer capabilities:
  • BASIC programs (Applesoft and Integer BASIC); Applesoft BASIC is colored
  • Graphics images (same as supported by the graphics export function)
  • Appleworks (database, spreadsheet, word processor)
  • Text files (plain text, assembly source files, Pascal text files)
  • Hex dump of all the above
  • 'Raw' format of all of the above; this includes all data as read from disk including length and starting address as well as full sectors/blocks


Known issues with AppleCommander:
  • If a disk is mostly in a known format, but has bad data and what-not, AppleCommander may crash. Technically, the worst culprit is a retrieving a non-existant block or track/sector.
  • Various interface improvements.
  • Requirement of a Java JVM as well as SWT for the interface.
  • The Win32 (compiled) version of AppleCommander doesn't interpret graphic image colors correctly - however the Java JAR version does.

Please visit the tracker pagefor an up-to-date list of issues, submit a new issue, or submit a feature request.


There is a general list of TODO items which is managed as part of theCVS archive. Click here to see the current TODO list.

Does the future include you? Anyone is welcome to suggest or contribute!


AppleCommander is written in Java and uses a non-standard Java library,SWT. Fortunately, none of these will cost anything but download time:

  • Java - If you need to install Java, go to the Sun Java site forJ2SE and download the latest version (1.4.2 as of June 2004) and installit. I develop with 1.4.2_04, and have tested with 1.3.1, so theseshould work along with any future releases.
  • SWT - As far as SWT is concerned, I have created a Windowsarchive (1MB) of these files which you can unzip into the same directoryas the AppleCommander JAR file. The Mac bundle includes the SWT files.For the latest release of SWT, visit the Eclipse site!

Because of the SWT difficulties, I hope to continue compiling the application. These will be tagged with a win32 inthe filename.


Note: Please read the requirements and download Java and the SWT code, if required first!

Once you have installed Java and copied SWT into the future AppleCommander directory, download a copy of AppleCommanderfrom the downloadsection of the SourceForge site.

This software is distributed under the GPL.

To start AppleCommander, just double-click on the AppleCommander JAR file!If you've downloaded the win32 version, double-click on the EXE file.One Mac, double-click AppleCommander.app; recent libraries are included.

Developer Documentation

There is currently minimal documentation available for others interested in the development,structure, or code of AppleCommander. The source is, of course, available onSourceForge viaCVS. However,extra documentation is fairly sparse at this time.

For your web-browsing pleasure, the AppleCommander Java Documentationhas been uploaded, and I will try to keep it up-to-date. (If not, the code is documented,and you can generate it yourself.)

Additionally, EclipseUML has been used to generate the UMLdiagrams which have been drawn by hand. These UML diagrams don't cover allof AppleCommander, but they do give the general structure used by the 'storage' package - that is,the domain in which AppleCommander specializes.


1.3.0 Total Commander

Feel free to drop some email - I don't expect traffic to be very large.However, because of the ever-present threat of SPAM, I won't create anemail link either (sorry, you gotta type it!):

RobGreene at users dot sourceforge dot net
matthewsj at users dot sourceforge dot net

Far Commander For Mac Os

Last updated 30-Jul-2012